Friday, January 2, 2009

Perfect Timing

I have never thought of God as thinking in year blocks
as we do.


He has this stated overarching purpose;

this huge plan that is already as good as completed in His mind

although the roll-out is still happening in our world -

Rather like a movie is complete on a dvd

but the action rolls out

only as you watch it


But there is also much evidence in His book that periods of time are significant to Him:
think of the recurring number 40, for example.

Jesus, 40 days in the wilderness

The Jews, 40 years in the wilderness

King David reigned 40 years

The 40 days and nights of Noah's flood.


Then there is this telling phrase:

"In the fullness of time. . ."

which indicates there are selected moments in human history
for certain events to take place.


Against this backdrop, the making of New Year's resolutions could seem a bit odd.

As the Lord has promised,
He has a plan for each of us

He tailor-made us to fit into that plan.
And no doubt, He knows how and when to orchestrate it.


Which does not mean that we are passive
in the matter

It means that we take our lead from Him
And co-operate when He gives us the go-ahead.


"So, Lord, thanks for another period of precious time
A gift from You.

May all You planned unfold according to Your wonderful will."


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