Thursday, February 5, 2009

Meaning in Mayhem

A woman has given birth to Siamese twins
that are so conjoined
that although they have two heads and two sets of arms
there is only one body and one pair of legs.
Obviously there can be no question of separating them,
The mother, who is a simple uneducated young woman,
said that 'God would not do that to me'
when doctors tried to explain during her pregancy
what the status of the twins was
so she refused their offer of a termination.
One can only hope that her faith has survived such an extreme
Now, whatever one's opinion of the thorny issue of terminations might be,
the fact remains that this situation is SO far
from the plan of God.
How then to reconcile the biblical view
that God 'knits together' a baby in the womb;
that we are 'fearfully and wonderfully made'
with incidents like this?
In creation,
He looked at what He had made and called it 'good' and 'very good'
This is not good.
There are no pat answers
Its easy to sound glib and out of touch with reality
when struggling with questions like this
but the truth is
The fallen world is not what He planned
But He did know it would happen
Hence the life and death of Christ -
God will have His beautiful world and beautiful family yet.
We can count on it.
Things like this tragedy serve as reminders
that although what He has done
is finished and complete
We are still waiting for the end of the story to play out.
Knowing the end of the story gives life meaning
in the midst of the tragedies of this world.

1 comment:

Terry said...

Our peace comes from knowing what the end is. We know that Jesus already has the victory and our life is secure in Him. We don't always understand why these things happen but we do know God is in control and nothing happens that He doesn't allow. Have a great day Allie!!!