Thursday, July 16, 2009


I was numbering to myself all the things I like about God
There are an awful lot.
I halted at this word when it came to mind:
Have you ever noticed how attentive He is to us?
* His eye is on us
* He knows how many hairs we have on our heads (bear in mind that we are constantly shedding hair and growing new ones!)
* He knows when we sit down and when we get up
* He knows when we lie down
* He knows our words before we say them
* He knows our thoughts before we think them
* He knows our paths before we walk them
* He knows what we need before we ask Him
And those are just a few (mostly in Psa 139) but we see undivided attention, as though He cannot tear His eyes away from His beloved.
Its a lump-in-the-throat lovely picture.
An example might be the way we just cannot help watching a tiny baby: it just lies there, but we are unable to stop looking at it.

And so I thought about our attentiveness towards Him.
Is it precious to Him?
It seems so -
That love-rivetted gaze speaks of adoration and He seeks worshippers. . .


Lynette Jacobs said...

Another post that just blows me away. I love the practical real ways you have in your relationship with the Lord. Me thinks I will be thinking a lot about what you wrote in this post. Psalm 139 is one of my favourite. Have you ever hear Michael W. Smith reciting it on his one album....awesome.

allie. said...

I haven't heard MJ Smith on Psa 139 but I would love to.
It is a stupendouly moving psalm in my opinion.
It is as though God cannot let us out of His sight, He loves us so much

I'm glad that some of the things I write speak to you, Lynette

I'm so not a blogger said...

Nominated you over on my blog...