Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Sometimes God just blows me away.
I mean, He is always amazing but every now and then, He just pours out kindness and favour in a way that beggars belief.
(If you will pardon the expression!)
Today is one of those.
We feel as though we have stood under a deluge of answered prayers - all in one day.
And we are practically speechless with gratitude


Mel said...

I know at least one of the things you thankful for...and I look forward to hearing the rest tomorrow.

I must say, I feel just the same ... Monday things were feeling really pressing and 3 days down my burden is light.

Lynette Jacobs said...

God is GOOD all the time Allie. It is just wonderful to see how He answers prayers.

I am at peace again.

Anonymous said...

i'm happy for you.

and thanks for reminding me to say THANKS out loud too...

jacki janse van rensburg

Kate said...

Whoop, whoop! :-)