Saturday, May 9, 2009


We have been designed with eyes that see because there are real things out there to be seen:
And ears because sounds out there are real so we need a way to become aware of them.
And so with all five senses.

It is because these external realities exist, that we have the faculties to appropriate them
Here's the thing that I love to think about -

If that is so, then we have been given faith because there is something real out there, beyond the senses, to believe and know.
Faith has to do with that which cannot be picked up by any of the 5 senses.

In other words, the fact that humanity has been hardwired with faith (and everyone has) is proof of the reality of God and His Kingdom.

Why would we have a faculty to perceive something that isn't there?


Mel said...

As always an incredibly thought provoking post. I can wait to explore this in my head a bit more.

Terry said...

Oh so true Allie. To bad everyone doesn't have that realization of the existence of God.

Lynette Jacobs said...

I guess it is just that, the void that all people have and that can only be filled by the Holy filled with Him and that gives us this sense and awareness of Him.