Monday, July 6, 2009

Write It Down

Anxiety is something that most people think of as a necessary part of life.
Yet most of the things we worry about never happen.
We seem to battle to learn from experience though -
Shouldn't we look for ways we could change that?
How about keeping a notebook for the sole purpose of recording anxieties and our prayers concerning them
Just simple notes like:
"I am worried - I don't have money for school fees next term. Lord, please help me through this situation."
And then record what happens over time.
What I have realised is that often the Lord answers prayers in such subtle ways that we don't even notice what He has done.
Two things are wrong with that:
a) We don't get to say 'Thank You" to Him
b) The situation does not add to our faith in His ability and willingness.
So some of the value of the experience is wasted.

In the Old Testament, altars were set up to commemorate times and places where God showed His power on behalf of His people.
I believe that He wanted them to have something tangible to remind them of His faithfulness and power.
The same principle holds good today for us: people are people in whatever age they live.
We too need something to look back on to remind us how He has come through for us time after time.
To encourage our confidence in Him.
Every time He does it, and we remember it, our faith in Him increases.
It is amazing how much it helps when we have specifics of His faithfulness to look back on when we are anxious.
Try it.
You may be surprised by what you see over time.


Anonymous said...

Allie you are so wise. I am going to try this. I worry way way too much.

allie. said...

Let me know how it goes, M.
I am such a fan of journelling - looking back over years gives you such an overview of His action -stuff that we othrwise might miss.
Its too immediate at the time -
And kind of clouded in peripheral activity