Monday, December 22, 2008


Last night DH and I took two of our granddaughters (aged 4 and 7)
to a Carols by Candlelight service
at the place we gather with other Jesus followers.
I sat on a blanket at the front with the younger granddaughter
so she could see properly.
She is a child who brims over with love for people
And the Lord used her to speak powerfully into my life last night.
As we sat cross legged on the blanket, she moved up close, took my hand and held it on her lap,
stroking it with her small fingers
Then she moved up closer, every now and then looking up into my face, just to smile at me.
Eventually she became weary -
and ended up lying full stretch on her back,
on top of me,
with her head on my chest
and her defenseless little feet reaching to my ankles.
It was all utterly without any motive except affection.
And it moved me to my core.
I think the Lord is moved when our desire is
just to be as close to Him as we possibly can
Because we love Him
And for no other reason


Mel said...

Wow. Isnt it amazing how He teaches us with the littlest people? Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Wow. Wow.