Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Taking A Chance?

This photo appeared in the Rapport newspaper over the weekend together with a story about the Atheist Bus Campaign going on in London.

How utterly bizarre that there is a drive to recruit people to atheism!
Don't you think the wording is something?!
Probably no God . . .

God have mercy!


Terry said...

Satan is not sleeping, the deceiving continues. God told us in the end times this would happen and we are witnessing it today.
2Timothy 3:13
But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse deceiving and being deceived.

allie. said...

Hi Terry.

The bible indicates in Romans that everyone knows that God is
They just don't want to know it
But, as someone very smart said: "Some things are true whether we believe them or not."

Besides, life with God is so exciting and full of meaning!

But I remember before I was a believer I also thought that being a Christ follower would mean a boring life and being a boring person.

Now I I understand.

God knows those who are His - He will bring them in