Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hidden for Finding

I remember how we hid Easter eggs for our children when they were little.
They used to literally vibrate with the excitement and anticipation of the hunt.
We chose places that would challenge them but not be so difficult that they would give up.
We love their excitement and totally got caught up in it
They constantly referred back to us, including us in the sparkling fun of the moments
We gave them hints, telling them whether they were 'hot' or 'cold' depending on how close they were to the treasure.
They loved the thrill of the first glimpse of the shiny coloured paper under a bush or behind a flower pot.
What a vivid picture of God's dealings with us:
He hides His treasures for us not from us, in the exactly the same way
They are hidden to be found, not to be withheld

His treasures of wisdom and understanding are for us
He has told us where to find them
He has told us how to seek them
He has told us His joy when we find what we seek

When times are difficult and nothing seems clear, it may be comforting to think along these lines . . .


Lynette Jacobs said...

Allie, I have been reading this blog for quite some time now...and it reveals so much more about you than your "cillin" blog.

You are an awesome blogger and I see a strong woman of God who has a real and personal relationship with her saviour.

This blog makes me think a lot about Jeremiah 29:13 "You will find me when you seek me, if you look for me in earnest." We have to be serious about finding Him.

Thanks for the encouragement this blog gives.


Mel said...

Ah, a peaceful, purposeful blog to visit. Indeed I find this helpful - especially considering the place I have found myself in lately.

And it was wonderful to re-live our Easter egg hunts in my memory!

Susan said...

I love this blog! I'm adding it to my follow list.



Terry said...

Matthew; 7:7 (Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.)

Everything we need is given to us in His Word. All we have to do is seach the Scriptures daily. God is not lost, but we are lost if He isn't our personal Savior. If we search for Him, we will find Him.

Nice blog today Allie.

allie. said...

Little sister had no idea she already had visitors!

Seriously, Lynette, Mel, Susan - thanks for joining me here.
It is a special place for me where I can "ponder on paper" so to speak.

I hope it will become special for you too.

And Terry, thanks for your faithful visits and the encouragements

Anonymous said...

I was so pleased to find this blog. I would love to become a regular visitor.

allie said...

Hullo "My Windowsill" - thanks for visiting me.
I hope you come again - lots -

I popped into your spot and loved what I saw.
Will be back when I have more time to browse.

Does your blog have your profile somewhere?

jacki janse van rensburg said...

what a beautiful analogy!

thanks for sharing.

but why do you have 2 blogs? whay not just have one, that shares all sides of you?

allie. said...

Thats a good question, Jacki.
I'm not really sure -
this one is for pondering, meditating almost, putting out there things that are precious to me - and hopefully to others that find their way here.

The other blog has another vibe -
But my hope is that the faith-in-Christ-life will be evidenced in a way that would be "digestible" to anyone, believer and not-yet believer.

Its not that I live a splintered life: its just the way it works for me for now.

Maybe it will combine one day - who knows?
I still don't really have a solid answer for you though