Tuesday, June 2, 2009


In times of tragedy, well meaning friends can say things that are true but, at the same time, not helpful.
Today God used a story about a time like this to illuminate the Cross to me anew.

A heartbroken mother at the funeral of her young child confided to her close friend:
"People say things like:
'Your baby isn't really gone, he is in heaven. He's not in that coffin.' "
She said:
"I know that's true, but it doesn't help me.
The little hands that I held are in there; the hair that I brushed back out of his eyes is in there; his face that I washed and kissed are in there. . .
I loved that little body."

What did it do to the heart of God seeing the precious body that He had crafted for His beloved Jesus lifeless and shut away behind a stone . . ?

1 comment:

Lynette Jacobs said...

I find myself without words whenever people suffer the loss of a loved one. No glib remark or Christianeze can take away that it is necessary and healthy to grieve.